3 Important Principles of Faith I Learned Watching Geese Cross the Street

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Yep, you read that right – geese. Crazy eh? But isn’t it like God to use the ordinary things of our days to reveal important principles of faith and truth to capture our attention?

This was definitely one of those days.

It happened on my way home after dropping my daughter to school.

As usual, I was in a hurry.  My to do list had grown to the size of a novel and I was anxious to finish the first chapter by noon. But as I approached the three way stop in my neighborhood, several cars in front of me came to an abrupt standstill. Up ahead, a gaggle of geese descended upon the intersection with intent to get to the other side.

It was quite amusing to watch. The mama goose bravely stepped forward by example to show her goslings the way. One by one, they followed without regard to the designated crosswalk, road signs or impatient motorists.

They set out to get to the other side and that’s what they did.

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I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself as I sensed God prompt me to observe the object lesson in progress.

While I watched, three important principles of faith crystallized in my understanding:

Oftentimes God will use the ordinary things of our days to reveal important principles of faith to guide us in our faith journey with Him.

1.  Know where you want to go

I am in a season of life where my faith is being stretched and fear of the unknown is causing – shall I say, ‘great discomfort’. Perhaps you can relate? You want to cast all your cares upon the Lord but somehow you’ve unwittingly perfected a boomerang toss!

You’ve done your research. Considered your options. Prayed about it. Received affirmation and confirmation of what you must do or where you must go.

Now it’s time to actto move forward or in some cases, just keep moving.

The mama goose knew her destination.  She boldly stepped off the curb and cut a path across the intersection to get to the open field on the other side.

2.  A ‘way’ has been made

Albeit, unbeknownst to the leader of this gaggle, the journey was fraught with unseen danger.  A stream of impatient motorists, delayed by the inconvenient roadway violation posed a real threat to their survival.  

Yet somehow, we (the motorists) were held back by way of moral and civic decency to observe the passing geese.

The scene brought to mind Elisha’s response to his anxious protégé who feared the imminent attack of the approaching army.

Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them

2 Kings 6:16

We may fear the unknown, our next steps, the difficult decisions or challenges before us but beyond what we can see, our battles have already been won.  We can trust that whatever God has instructed us to do, or called us to go, He has made a way.

3.  Trust the One who leads you

It all boils down to trust.

It was actually an amazing sight to behold. The procession of geese was an orderly display of trust.  

The leader stepped out first…then the next…then the next and finally the seventh – single file, toward the other side. Each choosing to trust the leadership of the one with the vision.  

Now, if God can take such good care of our feathery neighbours, how much better will He take care of us? God has a vision, purpose and plan for our lives. He promises to “instruct us and teach us in the way we should go and counsel us with His loving eye on us” (Psalm 32:8).

I didn’t linger long enough to see the land of promise the geese secured on the other side of the street but I am certain they rest in comfort.

I love the way God uses the ordinary things in our day to teach, guide and remind us of His faithfulness, mercy and love.

Whatever situation we face we can be assured God goes with us to be our help and see us through to the other side.

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  1. What an absolutely beautiful, meaningful, inspiring, and heartfelt post. I couldn’t agree with you more on every word you have written here and I must compliment you not only on your lovely writing, but also on this gorgeous blog. What a gift to have come upon not just for the eyes, but for the heart and soul!
    We have several small lakes in our neighborhood with many ducks and geese. I have a feeling that I will now be reflecting back on your words each time I stop to let them peacefully navigate their crossing.
    Thank you.

    1. You have truly blessed my heart – thank you for your kind words. It is amazing how God uses everyday things to teach, guide, and love on us.

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